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 by Eric Msumanje | 2019  |  3 mins  

Drawing on visual associations of the traditional theatre, performance and the carnivalesque, Untitled offers an interpretation of starkly silent moments in the aftermath of crisis which were recounted in the story of a Syrian woman academic in exile. 


This artwork was made in response to over 60 Whatsapp recordings provided by the academic to document the educational choices, influences and experiences of her life to date. Currently in exile as a result of the protracted conflict in her country of Syria, she reflected on the maternal influences of her early upbringing and engagement with knowledge, the opportunities provided to study higher education in the global North with the concomitant obligation to return to her homeland to contribute to educational growth, and the more recent stories of loss of life, safety, status and dreams which the war has brought. Across the stories are intimate micro-details at the level of the body, relating to textures, pregnancy, hurt, touch, wounds, coverings. 

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©2020 Belluigi & Meistre

All works reproduced with kind permission by the artists.

Website design: Brent Meistre

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